Can you cross a river by foot? Sure you can… but it’s a whole lot easier with a bridge.

That’s what bridges do. They make it easier for people to get from one place to another.
Bridges are practical but effective.


At QCC we believe that Jesus is for everyone.
He is for those on the outside and those on the inside. He’s the one where all streams can merge
and He is the table where anyone can sit as a valued son or daughter.

This means Jesus is for the whosoever. Our city if full of the whosoevers and we want to build bridges that make it easier for anyone searching to belong and become.

Here’s what’s true:
There is ministry in the way we steward the practical things - buildings included. As our church grows, so does its needs. We need to renovate our current spaces to help those on the outside in, and also to serve the current and future needs of our body. Buildings are buildings - we know. But buildings are the home base where the church is equipped to go outside the walls and be on mission in the everyday. We want to build some practical bridges that make it easier for QCC to go from one season to another and have a deeper influence for the kingdom in our city.