Men's Bowling Night
6:30 PM18:30

Men's Bowling Night

QCC Men - we're going bowling on March 20th at Spare Time in Pineville. Sign up early if you can so we can reserve lanes together.

We're covering the lanes, shoe rentals, and games, but bring money for food or eat ahead of time.

Also, if you could help cover the cost ($15 per person), it would be appreciated, but please come even if you can't give.

Contact Chris at (704) 779-0676 or for more info.

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Outreach Opportunity with Crisis Assistance Ministry
1:00 PM13:00

Outreach Opportunity with Crisis Assistance Ministry

QCC is building a bridge to the community by providing service opportunities with excellent established nonprofits in the Charlotte area. Our very first serve day will be Saturday, March 22, at Crisis Assistance Ministries from 1-3 pm. 

Crisis Assistance provides material goods and financial assistance to Mecklenburg County residents to prevent homelessness and help families flourish. Volunteers will be working in the warehouse; duties may include sorting donations or hanging clothes. Volunteers (ages 10 and up) should wear comfortable shoes.

Contact Jennifer by emailing or texting to (704) 491-1048 for more details.

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about! If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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Baptism Sunday
10:30 AM10:30

Baptism Sunday

We’re doing baptisms as part of our Sunday service on April 27! If you or a loved one is interested in getting baptized, fill out the form below to sign up so we can keep you in the loop.

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about! If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about! If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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Baptism Sunday
10:30 AM10:30

Baptism Sunday

We’re doing baptisms as part of our Sunday service on August 24! If you or a loved one is interested in getting baptized, fill out the form below to sign up so we can keep you in the loop.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about! If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Church Picnic
10:30 AM10:30

Church Picnic

Our QCC fall picnic is Sunday, October 19 after worship. Our church picnics are a fun way to get out of the normal Sunday routine and engage in life with each other. Also, this is a great, low risk opportunity to invite someone you know to QCC.

Click the button below to RSVP & you can also sign up to bring something or help setup/ serve food while you’re there.

PS: Don’t forget to bring chairs or a blanket!


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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 14, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 14 through November 2. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about! If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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Christmas Candle Light Service
10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Candle Light Service

We’re celebrating Christmas with our annual candle light service!

Bring your loved ones out early to enjoy warm drinks and holiday treats at 10 a.m. Then, join us at 10:30 a.m. for a special church service, celebrating with festive music, an encouraging and timely message, and a special candle lighting ceremony designed for the whole family.

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Ministry Team Training
10:00 AM10:00

Ministry Team Training

Robin is leading a ministry team training on March 8 from 10 to 12.

This training is for anyone currently on the team, looking to join the team, or wanting to know more about praying for people, healing, and prophetic ministry.

Please use the form below to let us know you’re coming.

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Christmas Candle Light Service
10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Candle Light Service

We’re celebrating Christmas with our annual candle light service!

Bring your loved ones out early to enjoy warm drinks and holiday treats at 10 a.m. Then, join us at 10:30 a.m. for a special church service, celebrating with festive music, an encouraging and timely message, and a special candle lighting ceremony designed for the whole family.

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Monthly Ladies Home Group - Christmas Edition!
7:00 PM19:00

Monthly Ladies Home Group - Christmas Edition!

We’re celebrating the Christmas season with a “Favorite Things” gift swap!

Bring three wrapped items that you enjoy (valued between $5-10 each) and be prepared to share them with others and share what you like about them.

Also, bring something sweet to share!

No need to RSVP - text Dusti at (336) 908-1461 for more information.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 22, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 22 through November 10. While all of these classes are good on their own, we recommend attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 22, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 22 through November 10. While all of these classes are good on their own, we recommend attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 22, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 22 through November 10. While all of these classes are good on their own, we recommend attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Church Picnic
10:30 AM10:30

Church Picnic

Our QCC fall picnic is Sunday, October 27 after worship. Our church picnics are a fun way to get out of the normal Sunday routine and engage in life with each other. Also, this is a great, low risk opportunity to invite someone you know to QCC.

Click the button below to RSVP & you can also sign up to bring something or help setup/ serve food while you’re there.

PS: Don’t forget to bring chairs or a blanket!

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Sons & Daughters Class
6:00 PM18:00

Sons & Daughters Class

Starting September 22, we're dedicating eight evenings to explore the Gospel and understand our identity as children of God.

Our purpose is to walk away more rooted in Jesus, feeling more loved by the Father, and empowered as Sons and Daughters to cast aside our old ways and live as new creations!

Classes meet weekly on Sunday nights at 6pm from September 22 through November 10. While all of these classes may be good on their own, we’re asking you to commit to attending all 8 weeks to allow the cumulative impact of the Gospel story.

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Welcome Lunch
12:30 PM12:30

Welcome Lunch

Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been here awhile, we want to connect with you, help you connect with each other, and fill you in on who we are and what we’re about. If you consider yourself new here, have questions, or are just looking for a good way to meet others and get connected, we want to welcome you out to our welcome lunch!

Please RSVP below to give us a head count and feel free to send any questions to

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