Would you like to help with the relief effort in Boone this Saturday?
John and Emily Williams are leading a team to collect and deliver supplies, volunteer, pray with people, and provide a listening ear. They are expecting the Lord to show up in miraculous ways!
RSVP to Emily at (912) 326-1775 to give a head count and let her know if you are willing to carpool or need a ride.
They will depart from QCC at 8am on Saturday. You will need to bring your own food and drinks. Work boots and a change of clothes are also recommended.
Please donate items from the list below if you can. These are specific needs from several Boone residents that we would like to provide. Also, if you have any of the tools listed below that are available to use on Saturday (not to donate), please bring them along. This includes chainsaws.
Needed Items:
Potable water
Indoor-safe propane heaters or camp stoves with butane
Plastic sheeting
Non perishable foods (and can openers)
Work gloves
Push broom
Pump sprayer
Concentrated Pinesol
Baby formula
Hand sanitizer (Personal size)
Baby wipes
RSVP to Emily at (912) 326-1775.